Speeding in St Peter's
Speeding is increasing in the ward and it creates real harm. It causes parents and vulnerable road users to be fearful of our streets
Speeding continues to blight our streets and over 80% of residnets in the ward report that they regularly see speeding and driving while using a mobile phone in the ward.
It only takes one driver to floor the pedal or gun their engine between speed bumps for parents to decide that children cannot walk to school or go to thee shops on their own.
The evidence of this speeding is all around us.
Speeding is a particular problem on Friday and Saturday nights on Prebend Street and Basire Street. Vehicles do close to 40 mph in a 20 mph zone.
Despite the presence of speed bumps and width restrictions across the ward, traffic races through our streets, putting our children, the elderly and indeed all of us in danger.
In addition to speeding, mobile phone use while driving means that many residents simply do not feel comfortable allowing children to cross roads on their own.