About St Peter’s 2020
We are residents living on over 30 streets in St Peter's who are concerned about the rising levels of traffic coming through the ward.
Despite three schools in the ward, the volume of traffic prevents many children from taking part in active travel (walking and cycling) independently.
The ward is in increasingly being used as a cut-through from Essex Road to City Road and from New North Road to City Road. The volume of motor traffic is set to increase significantly as the Covid-19 lockdown eases.
We are asking Islington Council and local councillors to urgently explore how we can improve our streets and address our concerns.
Please take our quick survey about your views on traffic in St Peter's.
Data Protection
- We are doing a survey of residents to get a snapshot of how neighbours feel about their streets.
- The survey responses will be kept for 18 months and then destroyed.
- Your personal data will not be shared with any third party, company or public body.
- We will publish a summary of the survey results (without listing anyone's name or email) on this website, in letters to the paper and in discussions with councillors.
- If you are happy for your name to be used on our website - please say so explicitly on the survey form.
- If, having granted permission for us to use your name, you change your mind and want your comments or name removed from the website, please email info@stpeters2020.org and we will amend the website within 3 days.