We need a safe place to cross Basire Street

For many people coming from the St Peters neighbourhood heading towards Essex Road, or making a trip to the playground on the corner of Basire Street, the natural route takes you along Prebend Street and into Spellbrook Walk.

Basire Street pedestrian refuge knocked over... again

Many of you will have seen that the bollard on the pedestrian refuge on Prebend Street is often driven into and knocked down. While the crossing point is the most natural, it is far from safe. From the south side of Prebend Street heading north, there is little visibility of oncoming traffic from Basire Street. Drivers often take the corner too fast, flying down Basire Street as they avoid the traffic lights on New North Road.

This video by our neighbour Manny gives an idea of volume of traffic on Basire Street at certain times of the day.

Traffic on Basire Street cutting through St Peter's

The crossing doesn’t take you to a safe space on the other side of Prebend Street either, it sends you into the middle of Basire Street, at risk from traffic heading South down Basire Street, or rat runners not familiar with the road taking a straight course ahead despite the turn in the road. This isn’t safe for anybody, especially those taking young children to the playground and setting an example of how to cross the road safely.

Do you find it difficult to cross here? Have you had incidents with oncoming drivers?

Car beached on the island on Prebend Street

Make sure you have completed our survey and add comments to the Islington Council CommonPlace map.